Manufacturing jobs

Available opportunities with salaries information for Manufacturing jobs:

What does a Manufacturing professional do?
Manufacturing roles involve the production and assembly of goods, utilizing a combination of manual labor and advanced machinery. Individuals in this sector are responsible for operating equipment, ensuring quality control, and maintaining safety standards. This field is in high demand due to the growing need for locally produced goods and the expansion of industrial capabilities. Professionals can specialize in areas like automotive, electronics, textiles, or food processing and may work for various manufacturing companies, from small-scale producers to large multinational corporations.
What is the expected salary range for a Manufacturing job?
As of 2024, the monthly salary for a manufacturing job in Dubai typically ranges from AED 4,000 to AED 10,000, depending on the specific role and level of experience. Annually, this translates to a salary range of approximately AED 48,000 to AED 120,000. Senior positions or specialized roles may command higher salaries. Benefits and allowances can also add to the overall compensation package.
What essential skills are required for a career in Manufacturing job?
The ideal candidate for a manufacturing position in Dubai or the UAE in 2024 should possess strong technical skills in operating and maintaining advanced machinery and automation systems. Proficiency in quality control processes to ensure compliance with industry standards is essential. Effective communication skills are necessary for collaboration with a diverse team and to ensure smooth production workflows. A solid understanding of health and safety regulations in a manufacturing environment is crucial to ensure workplace safety. Additionally, problem-solving abilities and adaptability are key to addressing operational challenges and continuous improvement in a fast-paced production setting.
What are the primary responsibilities of a Manufacturing professional?
The responsibilities for the Manufacturing position in Dubai include overseeing the production process to ensure efficiency and quality standards are met. The role demands maintaining machinery and equipment to minimize downtime and ensure operational consistency. Additionally, the position requires adherence to health and safety protocols, managing inventory and resource allocation, and coordinating with other departments to meet production targets and deadlines. Keeping up-to-date with industry trends and technological advancements to optimize manufacturing processes is also essential.