Does 8 hours of work include lunch in the UAE?

Last Updated on August 30, 2024 by Vadim

A common question among employees and employers in the United Arab Emirates is whether the standard 8-hour workday includes lunch break. Let’s delve into the UAE labor laws to clarify this matter.

Standard Working Hours in UAE

According to Article 65 of the UAE Labour Law:

  • Maximum standard working hours: 8 hours per day or 48 hours per week
  • Applies to most private sector employees

Break Periods Under UAE Labor Law

Article 66 of the UAE Labour Law stipulates:

  1. Employees should not work more than five consecutive hours without breaks
  2. Breaks are for rest, meals, and prayer
  3. Total break period should not be less than one hour
  4. These break intervals are not included in the working hours

Lunch Break in UAE: Not Part of 8-Hour Workday

Based on these regulations:

  • Lunch break is part of the mandated rest periods
  • It is not counted as part of the 8-hour workday

Practical Implementation of Work Hours in UAE

In practice, this means:

  • A typical workday is often structured as 9 hours in total
    • 8 hours of work
    • 1 hour for lunch and other breaks
  • Example schedule: 8 AM to 5 PM, with a one-hour lunch break

Exceptions to Standard Working Hours

  1. Some sectors (e.g., hospitality) may have up to 9 working hours per day
  2. During Ramadan, working hours are typically reduced by 2 hours per day

Official Sources for UAE Labor Laws

For the most up-to-date information, refer to:

  1. UAE Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) website
  2. Official UAE Government portal

These sources provide full texts of labor laws and recent amendments.


In the UAE, the 8-hour workday does not include the lunch break. The lunch break is considered part of the mandated rest periods and is in addition to the standard working hours. Both employers and employees should ensure compliance with these regulations to maintain fair working conditions.

Stay informed about UAE labor laws and your rights as an employee by following JobXDubai for the latest updates and insights on employment in the Emirates.

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